How to Apply

追求IDM是一项重要的承诺,这反映在申请过程中. 从首次IDM会议到提交申请的平均时间为3个街区. 在收到IDM主任的反馈后,成功的申请将经过几次起草, faculty advisors, and the Curriculum Executive Committee. Because of the intensity of the application process, 建议学生在CC的第一年或第二年秋季学期开始IDM过程.

传统学习计划的学生提交申请的最后期限是在CC (e)开始学习后的四个学期.g., block 7 of the second year for Fall Starts). Transfer students have some flexibility in this timeline. 有关您的具体情况,请与IDM主任联系.

本页描述了申请过程中的步骤和评估IDM申请的标准. For more information on how to build a successful IDM proposal, please see the "How to Craft a Successful Proposal" page.

IDM Application

The IDM application consists of four parts: (a) an appliction cover sheet; (b) a rationale for the major; (c) a plan of study with a justification supporting each course; (d) letters of affiliation from two faculty advisors. Instructions for each of these parts for the ID Major can be viewed and downloaded here. For the ID Minor, please use this form.


Dates & Deadlines

课程执行委员会每年审核两次IDM申请. Application review dates are:

  • First Monday of Block 4 (by 12pm MST)
  • First Monday of Block 7 (by 12pm MST)

Application process

Although the process is unique to each student, a typical application progresses through the following steps:

Step 1: Exploratory meeting with IDM Director


Step 2: First draft of application

Next, 学生通常会对他们的IDM原理和课程网格有一个粗略的草图, as well as identify potential faculty advisors. 这通常通过与IDM主任的第二次面对面会议进行, but can be handled via email as well.

Step 3: Meetings with faculty advisors and second draft of application


Step 4: Full application submitted for review

IDM申请包完成后,将通过电子邮件提交给IDM主任, 谁会把报告提交课程执行委员会(CEC)辖下的IDM小组委员会覆核. CEC小组委员会将根据以下标准评估申请,以决定是否接受该计划(进行或不进行轻微修订), must be resubmitted with revisions, or will be rejected. OAP主任将向所有申请人传达委员会的决定.

  • 提案被接受的学生必须在收到CEC小组委员会通知的一个时间段内进行所有必要的修改.
  • 被要求修改和重新提交提案的学生必须在CEC小组委员会设定的下一个可用审查截止日期之前完成. Students may only revise a proposal one time.
  • 提案被拒绝的学生将不允许在此过程中继续前进.

Step 5: Acceptance into the IDM

  • 被录取的学生将立即开始专业课程学习,并定期与教师顾问和IDM主任会面,以确保成功取得学位.

Criteria for Evaluation


  1. Students must demonstrate a clear vision for the major. Although all applicants are in their first or second year of study, it is reasonable to expect them to write clearly, to provide a description of their intended field of study, to articulate questions they wish to pursue, and to place their project into a wider intellectual, social, and historical context. 
  2. Students must demonstrate that the major (typically, through the thesis) will integrate two or more disciplines at CC. 
  3. The plan of study must strike a balance between depth and breadth, and between lower-division and  upper-division coursework. In particular, 学习计划必须与本专业的两个相关学科进行有意义的接触.
  4. 提案必须证明学生的课程作业将为他们做好准备 to carry out a research or creative project in the proposed field. 指导教师的专业领域必须与申请的专业有明确的联系. 
  5. 学生必须证明他们的智力目标不能在传统的学习计划中完成.e., a combination of existing majors and minors at CC). 
  6. 教师的支持信必须表明支持学生整个专业的承诺(包括担任论文指导老师)。, 教师们也参与了帮助学生起草提案的工作.
  7. 建议的专业必须符合IDM的主要要求,不得从当前或以前的IDM项目中推断.

How to Craft a Proposal/Sample Proposals

The heart of the IDM application is the rationale, 确保你被IDM接受的最好方法是制定一个强有力的理由. Fundamentally, 一个基本原理应该植根于评估它的标准(目的), necessity, interest). As such, 你的理由应该包括清晰的目的陈述, necessity, and interest. Like any other work you submit at CC, 你的理由应该包括适当的文本引用和附带的参考书目.

You may also review sample proposals here:

Appeal process

Students whose application is rejected may appeal the decision. 学生应在通过电子邮件收到委员会决定后的14个日历天内启动上诉程序. The appeal procedure is as follows:

  1. To initiate an appeal process, 学生应发电子邮件给IDM主任,要求对IDM申请进行第二次审查. In this request for appeal, 学生还可以选择提交1-2页的附件,以回应CEC小组委员会在此请求中的决定. 答复应说明为什么他们认为CEC小组委员会基于IDM应用的评价标准的评价是不正确的.
  2. The IDM Director will submit the request, the student's response to the decision, and the student's original IDM application to the Chair of the CEC.
  3. 然后,主席将在下次可举行的会议上请中央协调委员会全体对这些材料进行评价. CEC要么推翻最初的决定(并接受学生的申请),要么重申原来的决定.
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