

Joseph received his MA in Archaeological Heritage Management 从 波士顿大学 and is now employed as an archaeologist for the 国家公园管理局 在新墨西哥州的圣达菲.


After receiving his MSA 从 the University of North Carolina in 2005, Jamie is now Assistant Controller for 坎贝尔全球 在俄勒冈州波特兰.

Crystal Rosenthal - 1999

Crystal received her MA in Classical Antiquity 从 the 科罗拉多大学 and is now the McDermott Graduate Curatorial Intern in Ancient and Asian Art at the Museum of Art in Dallas.

丹尼尔·蒂姆- 1999

Dan received his MBA 从 the 奥塔哥大学 in 2006 and is co-owner of 外面的客栈 在加州内华达市.

凯蒂·詹金斯- 1999

Katie went on to earn her BS, along with her teaching license, 从 North Dakota State University, and now works for the Sylvan Learning Center.

贾森·加洛- 1998

Jason received his MA 从 乔治敦大学 和他的博士学位 西北大学, and is a re搜索 analyst with the Science and Technology Institute 在华盛顿特区.

安布罗斯·克里斯特- 1998

After receiving theology degrees 从 the University of St. 托马斯·阿奎那 Pontifical Gregorian University,都在罗马,Fr. Ambrose now serves as Novice Master and Junior Master at St. Michael's Abbey in Silverado, CA.

本杰明·戴- 1998

Ben works as a Brokers Associate for 希尔兹地产 在科罗拉多斯普林斯.

Julie Powell (née Tyler) - 1996

Julie works as a software developer in Brisbane, Australia.


Doug received both his MA and PhD 从 杜克大学, and is now an Associate Professor of Political Science at St. 奥拉夫学院.


毕业后, Scott has worked in the computer software industry and is currently employed as Director of R&D Projects and Operations for 敏锐的软件公司. 在堪萨斯州肖尼市.

Betsey Russell Reed - 1995

Betsey is currently a stay-at-home mom in Plano, TX, completing a Teaching Certification Program and hoping to be employed for the 2008-2009 school year.


Having received both his MA and PhD in history 从 the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Sean is now a professor of history at 斯坦福大学 佛罗里达大学.


John is a lawyer, having received his JD 从 纽约大学. He works as the Commercial Director for Forest Exploration International.


吉尔完成了她的M.Ed. 从 瑞吉斯大学 in 2009 and is working as an Early Childhood Special Education teacher in Brighton, CO.


Michael is a tax preparer and stay-at-home dad.

Josh Holo - 1993

Having earned his PhD 从 the 芝加哥大学, Josh is now Dean and Associate Professor of Jewish History at 希伯来联合学院 在洛杉矶.


Jeff earned his PhD 从 the Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World at the 芝加哥大学 and is now Professor of English, Director of Classical and Ancient Studies Program, and Director of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Jeff also did Post-Doctoral Re搜索 with the 珀尔修斯数字图书馆 and continues to collaborate with them. He has published extensively on Greek Rhetoric 和 computational analysis of Classical Greek Literature and his work can be found online at 代达罗斯.密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校.edu.


毕业后, Peter worked in the State Legislature for two years, followed by two more years working in higher education non-profit administration. Since then, he has been employed in the telecommunications industry. He is currently working toward a master's degree in Computer Information Technology at 瑞吉斯大学, and working as the Director of Network Testing for 三级通讯 在科罗拉多州布鲁姆菲尔德. He also sings in a chamber chorus, "Sine Nomine." In his own words: "I have a great time explaining to high school students on graduation (I am part of a mentoring program) that a classics degree is as 'relevant' as anything else out there, and that it has permitted me to flexible and adaptive in the work force."


Chad earned his JD at the University of Montana Law School in 1996, and now has a private law practice in Helena, MT.

James Broderick-King - 1991

Having earned his MA in 经典 at the 科罗拉多大学 in 1994, Jim is working as a Latin and Greek teacher at 里吉斯耶稣会高中 科罗拉多州奥罗拉市.

Christina Clarkson Craiutu - 1991

Christina received her MA 从 the University of North Carolina in 1997 and is currently studying at home in the 印第安纳大学 Modern Greek Studies Program, while considering doctoral programs in Greek.

Carolyn Schwartz Carroll - 1990

After working for many years in the marketing/PR arena for symphony orchestras in a number of major cities, Carolyn now works as a Registered Nurse in a Colorado Springs hospital ICU. She lives a very active life as a flamenco dancer, white water rafter, and scuba diver! She also admits to being a closet archaeologist.

Naomi Cohen Ivker - 1990

Having earned her JD 从 the 科罗拉多大学-Denver in 1996, Naomi is now an attorney with 扎尔和施瓦茨 在阿拉巴马州伯明翰.

Catherine Sanford Zimmermann Magruder - 1990

Catherine received her JD 从 St. Mary's University School of Law in 1994 and is currently working toward her MLS (Master of Library Science) at Texas Woman's University.


项目总监 American Mountain Guides Association 科罗拉多州博尔德市.


Scott is the Group Sales Manager for 真正的盐湖 在犹他州.



报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/08/2023