Building on Originality

The Campaign for Colorado College

Building on Originality: The Campaign for Colorado College concluded on Dec. 31, 2021. 超过41个,000 generous donors combined their efforts to create lasting impact for students, now and in the years to come. 多亏了你, the future for our young leaders, our bustling campus, and our vibrant community is brighter than ever before.

We have so much to celebrate.


A Note on Year-End Gifts: 因为12月. 31, 2022, falls on a Saturday, all year-end gifts must be received in our office by Friday, Dec. 30, to be counted for 2022. According to the United States Postal Service (USPS) service standards, the delivery window for First-Class Mail is up to five days. To ensure arrival by the Dec. 30 deadline, please consider mailing your gift early or making your gift through our online giving pageOur commitment to donors: Colorado College does not trade, 分享, or sell donor information to any outside party, 组织, or vendor for non-college purposes, unless required by law.

Looking for your 2022 Reunion Class Gift Project? 点击这里!


给现在 graphic



目标 总了




Fine Arts Center Gift









*包括9美元.2M from Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority counted as anticipated funding for 埃德·罗布森竞技场.

运动 the Fine Arts Center transferred to Colorado College as a gift, the largest in the college's history.




Report an issue - 最后更新: 11/04/2022