Freedom of Expression

As a private educational institution of higher learning, 赌博正规的十大网站是一个自愿协会的人谁理解和尊重管理学院的原则. The College’s educational mission will always be paramount. 思想和言论自由对任何高等学府都是必不可少的. 学术自由对赌博正规的十大网站的使命至关重要, 言论自由是学术自由的重要组成部分. Uncensored speech is essential in an academic community and will be vigorously defended; however, 通过阻止发言者发表意见而非法干扰其意见的表达, through violence or the destruction of property, will not be tolerated. 学院对言论自由的承诺不支持贬低他人的交流或行为, denigrate, humiliate, 或对任何特定的人或阶层表达仇恨. 有些沟通或行为可能会违反我们的社区标准,因此学院可能需要进行正式的干预. 学院可以限制或制裁违反法律的通信或行为, defames an individual, is physically threatening, or discriminates against, 仅仅因为某人的受保护地位或因为该团体的信息或通信内容而非法骚扰或报复他人. To these ends, the College reserves the right to control the time, place, and manner of events and communications, whether they occur on campus, at off-campus College activities, or on any College property. 学院不寻求审查思想的表达, 而是维持学院的正常运作和个人的安全.

Responsible office
Dean of the College , Student Life
Responsible party
Last revision
November 2018
Approved by
The Cabinet
Approval date
November 2018
Effective date
November 2018
Last review
September 2018
Additional references


所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, 支持包括志愿者在内的大学政策的精神和目标. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, 学院的董事会受其章程管辖.



学院院长将学院言论自由政策的管理委托给学院院长, 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任和机构规划副总裁 & Effectiveness.

Methods of expression

 (a)   Institutional Response:


 (b)   Written materials:

  • Students, faculty, 员工不得散布诋毁他人或干扰学院正常业务或活动的书面和电子材料;
  • 这些书面材料必须符合学院的印刷材料分发和征集政策, 和电子材料必须符合学院的可接受使用信息技术资源政策.

 (c)   Demonstrations:

  • 学院鼓励其成员成为社区和国家的积极公民, 这可能包括参加抗议和示威. The exercise of these rights should not endanger others, disrupt the normal business or activities of the College, damage property, or constitute illegal activity;
  • Students, faculty, and staff may participate in protests, demonstrations or other political activity, in whatever form, 包括通过电子或社交媒体,但必须确保他们不会以任何方式代表自己作为学院的发言人. Students, faculty, and staff in leadership roles, 应慎重考虑参加抗议及示威活动是否会影响他们在书院的工作, 并应采取一切合理的预防措施,避免被认为是学院的发言人;
  • As always, 员工在正常工作时间下班前应向主管咨询.

打断、大声喊叫或以其他方式扰乱活动是违反学校政策的. 用横幅或标语牌挡住演讲人的视线也是违法行为.

校园安全部门将要求从事破坏活动的个人停止破坏并离开该地区. Failure to follow directions of the Campus Safety officers is a violation of College policy; those who fail to comply promptly with such a request may be subject to disciplinary action or other sanctions according to Student Honor and Community Standards and college handbooks. 任何涉嫌违反本政策的举报将按照学院政策处理.

Review Process by Student Life is required for:

  1. Events which may obstruct vehicular, pedestrian, or other traffic, and must be approved at least 72 hours in advance. 在审查过程中考虑活动的时间、地点和方式;
  2. Use of sound amplification on campus;
  3. Camping and/or temporary structures (tents, etc.)
  4. Demonstrations and marches

Prohibited Activities:

  1. Obstruction of entrances or exits of buildings;
  2. 在大楼内外非法干扰学院的业务或活动;
  3. 干扰预定的大学典礼、事件或活动;
  4. Damaging, defacing, or destruction of property;
  5. Impeding traffic or passersby.


所有向公众开放的学院活动必须在学院部门的邀请下进行, program, office, or organization.  In addition, the sponsor, department or program chair, division head, 或学生组织主席必须及时通知学院院长, or their designee, for a departmental- or employee-sponsored event, or the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, or their designee, for a student- or student-organization sponsored event, 确保后勤安排的可行性.  The 学院院长,负责学生生活的副院长/学生事务主任, or their respective designees, reserve the right to impose restrictions, reschedule, relocate, or cancel speakers, activities, 或事件的结果考虑相关的校园安全评估, security, resources, 或干扰学院的正常业务或活动.



Report an issue - Last updated: 06/22/2022